Pension Plan Limits for Tax Year 2025

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How to Think About Financial Wellness ROI

If you want to sell your C-suite on paying for an employee financial wellness program, you'll probably get some questions from your CFO. Read on to learn more about the importance of financial wellness and how to answer those questions.

Hardship Distribution Regulation Changes

Since our last ERISA Update, the Internal Revenue Service has published proposed regulations which provide guidance on the changes to hardship withdrawals made by the Bipartisan Budget Act.

INTRUST's Corporate Retirement team honored by 401(k) Specialist Magazine

INTRUST Bank’s Corporate Retirement team was recently honored in 401(k) Specialist magazine for their great work in the area of retirement plan education. This award represents our team’s philosophy: focus on creating customized plans that help employees map their way to a great retirement.

ERISA Update 2018

We highlight recent changes that may impact your plan and participants, such as requirements for hardship distribution, response to the DOL's updated disability claims procedure requirements and more.