Pension Plan Limits for Tax Year 2025

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What are Corrective Distributions and How to Avoid Them Going Forward

This article will take a brief look at ways to correct a failed “ADP” test, the non-discrimination test mandated by the Internal Revenue Code to determine whether 401(k) elective deferrals unfairly favor highly-compensated employees.

How Data Analytics Can Help You Make Retirement Plan Decisions

If you’re not using data analytics to help you make progress toward improving participant outcomes, then you could be missing out on a key component of plan governance. Data analytics are becoming a meaningful part of defined contribution plan governance for retirement plan fiduciaries.

Is Your Retirement Plan Meeting Your Employees' Objectives?

Are your company's employees saving enough for retirement? Maybe not, according to a report from the National Institute on Retirement Security, which states that four out of five Americans have less than a year's income saved for retirement.

Lawsuits Over the Years and What It Means for Plan Sponsors

The barrage of excessive fee lawsuits filed in 2006 started a trend that continues to this day. At first, plan sponsors saw early signs of success in getting cases dismissed. Read on to learn more about lawsuits over the years and what it means for you as a plan sponsor.

Should We Have a Retirement Plan Committee?

If you are an employer or employee who has decision-making authority over your company’s retirement plan, there is a strong chance that you are a 401(k) plan fiduciary. You have a legal obligation to operate the plan solely in the interests of the plan participants and their beneficiaries.

Our 401(k) Investments are on the Watchlist. Now What?

As a member of your company’s retirement plan committee, if you have recently been informed that one or more of your company’s retirement plan investments are on the Watch List, don’t panic.