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Business Money Market Rates

Daily Collected Balance Required Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
$0 - $4,999.99 $5,000 1.64% 1.65%
$5,000 - $9,999.99 $5,000 1.64% 1.65%
$10,000 - $24,999.99 $5,000 1.64% 1.65%
$25,000 - $49,999.99 $5,000 1.64% 1.65%
$50,000 - $99,999.99 $5,000 1.64% 1.65%
$100,000 - $999,999.99 $5,000 2.37% 2.40%
$1,000,000 - $2,499,999.99 $5,000 2.47% 2.50%
$2,500,000 - $4,999,999.99 $5,000 2.47% 2.50%
$5,000,000 or more $5,000 2.72% 2.75%

Variable interest is calculated on the daily collected balance, compounded and credited monthly1 based on the tiers listed above. Rates may vary by bank location. Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) quoted are accurate as of Date and are subject to change without notice.

Each business money market account offers the following features

Crossed out money sign

Avoidable monthly1 service charge

Maintain a $5,000 minimum balance each day to avoid the monthly1 service charge.

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Pricing Details


Minimum Opening Deposit: $5,000

Account Service Charge: Avoid the $12 monthly1 account service charge by maintaining a $5,000 minimum daily balance.

Activity Fees: No charge for the first 20 domestic deposited items per month1. Additional items are 20¢ each, including on-us items

For additional details, review our Terms and Conditions for Your Deposit Accounts.


  1. Month or monthly is an approximate four (4) week period or cycle, not necessarily a calendar month.
  2. This account allows you to make nine (9) transfers or withdrawals from your account per monthly cycle, including preauthorized, automatic or telephone transfers
  3. We may require you to give us seven (7) days written notice of your intent to withdraw money from your account. This notice would be a precondition to the withdrawal of any sum of money. By permitting withdrawals without notice, we do not waive our right to require such notice.