Five Questions with Jeff Morris, Chief Human Resources Officer
At INTRUST, attracting the right employees is about looking for individuals that are a reflection of our core values in addition to their skill set. Jeff Morris, Chief Human Resources Officer at INTRUST Bank shares his insights on the landscape of recruiting.
We address key factors impacting the economy, monetary policy, and financial markets. This outlook summarizes our viewpoints on these topics and factors to watch as we emerge into 2019.
Long-term is more than six months. We believe the long-term investor is best served by adhering to a disciplined investment process, saving more, working longer and spending less. Read our full perspectives for Q3 of 2018.
We highlight recent changes that may impact your plan and participants, such as requirements for hardship distribution, response to the DOL's updated disability claims procedure requirements and more.
In January we published our 2018 Perspectives. Now that we are halfway through the year, we believe an over-arching theme of global economic convergence is continuing to fuel global growth. Below are our reviews and reflections on our earlier viewpoints.