Personal Banking
Personal Banking
INTRUST Employees Exceed United Way Fundraising Goal
INTRUST Bank employees, long known for their generosity to the community, stepped up again in 2018, pledging more than $340,000 to the United Way in all of our communities. With the company’s dollar-for-dollar match, the funds will go a long way to helping friends and neighbors navigate through the tough times, and come out of an unexpected situation healthier and stronger.
Today’s employees follow in the steps of thousands of others, including company founder C. Q. Chandler II, who along with other business leaders, created the Community Chest in Wichita in 1922. Believing in the concept of an organized fund to collect money to help local charities, with a focus on what the community needs, Mr. Chandler understood that building a business can only be as successful as the community surrounding it.
The money raised then - and now - is allocated by a group of citizen volunteers who serve on the grants review committee. Many INTRUST employees help with this process every year, participating in site visits to the partner agencies and thoroughly reviewing the requests for program support.
Whether it’s donating time or treasure, or both, INTRUST employees are doing their part in building a better community.
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